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Regulatory Affairs
Integrated Safety Management from Development to Market
Delivering end-to-end pharmacovigilance services to ensure the highest standards of drug safety and regulatory compliance globally.
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Excellence in Pharmacovigilance & Regulatory Affairs
Superior quality pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs services helping the pharmaceutical industry make safe and effective healthcare products available worldwide.

Insuvia is Opening an Office in London

09 December, 2020 Company news
Insuvia is Opening an Office in London

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new office in London, United Kingdom, as a step to extending our reach and local presence as part of an ambitious long-term growth strategy.

The new office opening in the United Kingdom will further strengthen our presence in one of the largest and most important pharmaceutical markets in Europe. As well as it will assure that Insuvia pharmacovigilance and regulatory operations are ready to address the new pharmacovigilance system requirements and new regulations that will take effect on 1 January 2021 after Brexit.

Our new office is located in the business-friendly and modern area of Canary Wharf – a strategically excellent location for our business area, as the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) from now on will be our new “neighbours”!

About us

Insuvia is designed to act as a pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs unit for pharmaceutical companies in those countries and regions, where they have no internal structures or decide to focus their resources on commercial activities. In this context, we provide the regional and country-level expertise to solve all pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs challenges that pharmaceutical companies encounter while commercializing their products.

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