Under the requirements for the EU pharmacovigilance system, the Marketing Authorization Holders (MAH) must have an appropriate and qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance (EU-QPPV) domiciled or located within the European Union. Also, the EU pharmacovigilance framework establishes the opportunity for the National Competent Authorities (NCA) of the EU to request the nomination of a contact person for pharmacovigilance (PV) issues at a national level.
Such individuals are typically required to speak the local language and to reside within the given Member State and should have a direct reporting link to the EU-QPPV. Among the industry, such persons responsible for PV on county-level may be referred to as the: Local Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (Local QPPV / LQPPV / National QPPV), Local Persons for Pharmacovigilance (LPPV), National Responsible Persons for Pharmacovigilance (NRPPV), Local Contact Persons for Pharmacovigilance (LCPPV). Local Safety Officers (LSO), etc. Despite of different titles used to describe these persons, they all typically represent the same role and responsibility towards representing a MAH on country-level regarding PV issues.
Most of the EU Member States have implemented the requirement to nominate a PV contact at a national level in their national legislation. These requirements vary between Member States, ranging from a requirement to nominate simply a local contact person speaking the local language, to more stick requirements, where a local person holds legal responsibilities and should be empowered to influence the overall MAHs PV system.
In this overview, we summarized which countries require MAHs to nominate PV contact persons on a national level and the requirements for the local person’s qualifications. Select a country in the drop-down menu below to see the local requirements:
EU Member State |
Austria |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Austria that would be established by local laws. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal obligation for each Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) to appoint a local PV person in Austria. However, according to local law (§ 75i (6) AMG), the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) has the option to request the nomination of a PV contact person at a national level in Austria from the MAH. In practice, most of the companies nominate the local PV person in Austria voluntarily. |
EU Member State |
Belgium |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Belgium must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The article 66§2 of the Royal Decree 14/12/2066 of Belgium sets an obligation for the Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs) to appoint a local PV contact person in Belgium and to notify his/her details to the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products of Belgium (FAMHP). |
EU Member State |
Bulgaria |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Bulgaria must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Bulgarian law for medicinal products in human medicine in force from April 2007, last amendment from 22.12.2012, Article 191, Point 3. sets an obligation for the MAH to nominate local PV person on a national level in Bulgaria. |
EU Member State |
Croatia |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Croatia must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Medicinal Products Act (Official Gazette No. 76/13 and 90/14; Article 3, Item 58) and Ordinance on Pharmacovigilance (Official Gazette 83/13), set a legal obligation for the MAH to appoint a contact person for PV in Croatia. In addition to the primary local PV person, a Deputy with equal qualifications is required. |
EU Member State |
Cyprus |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Cyprus must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
Based on the Article 57 of The Medicines for Human Use (Control of Quality, Supply and Prices) Law 70 (I) of 2001, The Pharmaceutical Services of Cyprus requires MAHs to appoint of a local QPPV/RPPV in Cyprus, should the EU QPPV not reside and operate in the Republic of Cyprus. |
EU Member State |
Czech Republic |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in the Czech Republic must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
For human medicinal products, pursuant to Sec. 91a (3) of the Act on Pharmaceuticals and PHV-6 Guideline, the State Institute for Drug Control (SÚKL) requests the marketing authorisation holders to appoint a contact person for pharmacovigilance issues in the Czech Republic. The appointment of contact person for pharmacovigilance issues is an obligation which is imposed on all marketing authorization holders in the Czech Republic regardless of marketing status of their products.
EU Member State |
Denmark |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Denmark. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to national legislation (Medicines Act § 53), the Danish Health and Medicines Authority (DHMA) may require the MAH of a medicinal product for human use to nominate a contact person in Denmark to represent the qualified person referred to in subsection (1)(vii). |
EU Member State |
Estonia |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Estonia must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs no. 26 (§ 4 section 4), Estonian speaking contact person is required when there is a need for either direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC) and materials associated with additional risk (Educational Materials) in Estonia. This person should have overview of the additional risk minimisation measures implemented for the medicinal product (including the content of the topic, the target group of the recipients, training of the recipients), should ensure the dissemination of the materials to the recipients, and have overview of the method of dissemination, content of the topic, the target group of the recipients and ensures the dissemination of the DHPC to the recipients, also must be able to answer requests of HCPs and regulatory authority. |
EU Member State |
Finland |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Finland. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to national legislation (Medicines Act 30 c §), the Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) may request the MAH to designate a national PV contact person in Finland, who should report to the EU-QPPV. Fimea recommends the MAH to nominate a contact person for pharmacovigilance issues at national level. The contact person does not need to hold a specific medical degree, but a good knowledge of pharmacovigilance practices and regulatory requirements would be beneficial. If the MAH does not nominate the contact person, all individual case safety report (ICSR) related communication will be directed to the EU QPPV. |
EU Member State |
France |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in France must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
Article 5.5121-164 of the French Public Health Code (Code de la Santé Publique), imposes an obligation to nominate a local PV responsible person in France. This function is not dependent on a marketing authorization but is mandatory for every company who promotes and distributes human medicinal products in France (independently if the company is MAH or not). Upon his/her appointment, the persons identity, qualifications and contact details must be communicated to the Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé (ANSM) (French: National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products) for human medicinal products. |
EU Member State |
Germany |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The requirements for the local PV person in Germany (the “Stufenplanbeauftragter” / Graduated Plan Officer) are equal to those of the EU QPPV. In addition to the “Stufenplanbeauftragter”, a Deputy with equal qualifications is required, and 24/7 availability must be ensured. There is no requirement for the Graduated Plan Officer to speak German or be a resident of Germany, theoretically, he/she can be resident of any Member State of the European Union. However, as explained by BfArM, the “Stufenplanbeauftragter” has to communicate with the BfArM and the competent authorities in the federal states (Landesbehoerden) and this communication is done almost exclusively in the German language, therefore it is almost impossible for the Graduated Plan Officer to fulfil his role without being able to speak German. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
As defined by the section 63a of the German Drug Law (AMG), Germany requires the nomination of a local PV responsible person in Germany, referred to as the “Stufenplanbeauftragter” (the Graduated Plan Officer – GPO). This function is not dependent on a marketing authorization but is mandatory for every company who places finished medicinal products on the market in Germany (independently if the company is MAH or not). The specific legal obligations of the “Stufenplanbeauftragter” are defined in the AMG and in the regulation “Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellverordnung .- AMWHV”. They are similar to those of the EU-QPPV but not identical (e.g. quality complaints in the AMWHV). Some important particularities are that: The GPO has to be reliable (as proven by criminal record certificate); |
EU Member State |
Greece |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
Comments and Legal refferences |
Article 136 (4) of the Ministerial Decree no. Δ.ΥΓ3α/Γ.Π. 32221 ΦΕΚ 1049/29-04-2013 sets an obligation for the MAH to appoint a local qualified person for pharmacovigilance (local QPPV) in Greece. |
EU Member State |
Hungary |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Hungary must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Regulation of Ministry of Human Resources on pharmacovigilance of human medicinal products (15/2012) set a legal obligation for MAHs to appoint a national PV contact person in Hungary in case the residence of the responsible person for Pharmacovigilance (EU QPPV) is outside of Hungary. |
EU Member State |
Iceland |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Iceland. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal requirement to appoint a local PV contact person in Iceland, the EU-QPPV residing within the EEA is sufficient. |
EU Member State |
Ireland |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Ireland. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal requirement to appoint a local PV contact person in Ireland, the EU-QPPV residing within the EEA is sufficient. |
EU Member State |
Italy |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but might be necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Italy. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
Italy does not specifically require the nomination of a local national contact person for pharmacovigilance (LNCPP), however, either the EU-QPPV or the LNCPP must register to the Italian national pharmacovigilance database (RNF) where all information is provided only in the Italian language. Therefore, if the EU-QPPV does not know the Italian language, it may be necessary to nominate a local contact person for pharmacovigilance for Italy. |
EU Member State |
Latvia |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Latvia must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
Regulation No 47 „Procedure for Pharmacovigilance” requires MAH to nominate a contact person for PV issues at a national level in Latvia if the EU-QPPV does not reside and work in Latvia. The local contact person for PV in Latvia must report to the QPPV and act following the instructions of the QPPV (reporting in this context relates to pharmacovigilance tasks and responsibilities and not necessarily to line management). MAHs shall immediately submit the contact details of the national level contact person – given name, surname, address of site of operation, electronic mail address, phone number and fax number (if such exists), also for communication outside of working hours, as well as changes in the contact details (if any) to the State Agency of Medicines. The requirement to submit contact details for outside of working hours proves that local PV person must be available 24/7. |
EU Member State |
Lithuania |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Lithuania. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to local Law on Pharmacy of Lithuania, the State Medicines Control Agency (SMCA) may request the nomination of a PV contact person at a national level in Lithuania. |
EU Member State |
Luxembourg |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local contact person should meet the following requirements:
Comments and Legal refferences |
Art. 45.3 of the Grand Ducal Regulation of September 10, 2012, on Pharmacovigilance, sets the requirement for Marketing Authorization Holders to nominate a reference person for PV at a national level in Luxembourg who should be linked to the EU QPPV. |
EU Member State |
Malta |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Malta. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal requirement to appoint a local PV contact person in Malta, the EU-QPPV residing within the EEA is sufficient. |
EU Member State |
Netherlands |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in the Netherlands must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) and Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) of the Netherlands requires a PV contact person at a national level in the Netherlands, if the QPPV resides outside the Netherlands or if the QPPV does not master the Dutch language in speech and writing. |
EU Member State |
Norway |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Norway. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal requirement to appoint a local PV contact person in Norway, the EU-QPPV residing within the EEA is sufficient. |
EU Member State |
Poland |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Poland must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to the Article 36g of the Polish Pharmaceutical Law gave the right to the President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (URPL) may request MAHs to nominate a local contact person for PV in Poland. This was requested for all MAHs along with the announcement by the President of the Office of 1st August 2014. |
EU Member State |
Portugal |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Portugal must:
5. Have knowledge of the PV System in place. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Portuguese National Legislation a national law (Decreto-Lei n.º 20/2013 of 14 February, amending Decreto-Lei n.º 176/2006 of 30 August) requires to appoint a contact person for pharmacovigilance issues at a national level in Portugal, who reports to the qualified person for pharmacovigilance. |
EU Member State |
Romania |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Romania. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to the national legislation of Romania (Law 95/2006 with subsequent amendments, art.815 alin.5), the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (NAMMD) may request the nomination of PV contact person in national level in Romania for national PV aspects who should report to EU QPPV. |
EU Member State |
Slovakia |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Slovakia must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
According to the national legislation of Slovakia (act 362/2012, §68, art.14), the State Institute for Drug Control requires MAHs to nominate a contact person responsible for PV issues at a national level in Slovakia. |
EU Member State |
Slovenia |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required (but may be requested if considered necessary) |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Slovenia must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
The Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (JAZMP) can require a local PV contact person in Slovenia for individual cases. The MAHs may nominate the local PV contact person in Slovenia voluntarily, as well as the PV contact person has to be named also as per JAZMP’s request after the JAZMP issues a decision. |
EU Member State |
Spain |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
The local PV person in Spain must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
Article 14, section 1, of the Royal Decree 577/2013 only for human products of Spain sets a legal obligation for MAHs to appoint and to permanently and continuously have a contact person for PV on a national level in Spain. |
EU Member State |
Sweden |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Not required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
There are no specific requirements for the local PV person in Sweden. |
Comments and Legal refferences |
There is no legal requirement to appoint a local PV contact person in Sweden, the EU-QPPV residing within the EEA is sufficient. |
EU Member State |
UK |
Is a local PV contact person (LPPV / Local QPPV / LCPPV) required? |
Required |
Requirements for the Local PV Persons Qualifications |
Local PV person must:
Comments and Legal refferences |
If QPPV resides and operates in EU/EEA, MAHs must nominate a national contact person for pharmacovigilance who resides and operates in the UK and reports to the QPPV. Once the national contact person for pharmacovigilance has been appointed, their details should be notified to the MHRA via the MHRA Submissions Portal. Additionally Local PV person must:
At Insuvia, we specialize in local service provision and country-level PV operations. We guide our clients in setting up PV activities country-wise as well as act as their local PV resources (LPPV, Local QPPV, etc.) handling routine PV activities on an ongoing basis. Click here to view all our local PV services or contact us to explore the regional and local PV requirements in the territories we are experts in, as well as to discuss the potential ways how these requirements could be fulfilled with our help.